

Essay 1-7 2030

Today is my forty seven birthday. my life was so dramatic. I remember the life and thank the miraculous fact that I'm living now. Thirty years ago, I was a high school student. I studied very hard because of the exam for college. As a result I could pass the exam and enjoyed my campas life. One day I met a man who studied archaedogy. As I was interested in remains. I decide to accompany him and travel abrord to research them. When I was twenty-eight, we went to Africa. there being a lot of wild animals, my teacher was eaten by tigers. I was very sad. But I lasted to research becase I thought I had to satisfy his will. Since then, I traveled around the world and touched many remains. Now I am one of very famous a chaeologist. Eventually, I'm living my life by myself. Traveling in the world, I couldn't meet my ideal woman. So I celeblate my birthday along with a glass of dry wine. [170 words]