
Bookreviews 1-5

Rob dates with Cathy and he likes her very much. They are both teenagers. One day, she said that Rob is the only one boyfriend she’s seeing. Rob was very happy to hear that.
The other day, Rob asked Cathy about she didn’t answer her phone on Wednesday. She said she was out with Tom. Rob was confused. He didn’t know who Tom was but didn’t ask her because he didn’t want to have Cathy think he’s jealous.
In the weekend, he called Cathy. Cathy was not at home and he heard she was out with Tom again. He didn’t know what to do. He was jealous.
Next day, he asked her who Tom was, if she’s dating with 2 men at the same time. Cathy laughed. She showed him a picture of Tom. Tom was a kid. She takes after him off and on. Rob was relieved and happy again. But Cathy, in her mind, says “Tom has a 18 year old brother and I like him a lot…” in the end of the story.

I thought it was a shocking story. Cathy actually likes other guy but Rob doesn’t know to the end of the story. I thought this story would be funny and cute but, because of the last word she said in her mind, I felt it was even scary. Girls are scary… [227 words][total 3577 words]

Book reviews 1-4

This story is based on a true story. In the beginning of the book, it says "A fictional story has an ending, but a true story does not". I think it's so true. I had never had this idea about a true story and a fictional story.

Karen started to work at the nuclear factory. They take care of fuel rods and uranium at the factory. People are all wearing white gloves. There is a scanner at the factory. The workers have to check their hands in front of the scanner.

One day, when Karen's friend Susan checked her hands in front of the scanner, the alarm went off. Guys white coats came out of a laboratory room and took her to somewhere. Karen followed them. She saw Susan had no clothes on and the men were showering her. Susan was screaming. The shower hit Susan so strongly.

After Karen saw that happened, she began to think it's dangerous to work there. Karen asked Pete, one of the Union leaders for help. He told Susan to collect the evidence. She sneaked into the photography room and stole some negatives. She kept them in her house.

That day, Karen was taking the negatives to Pete. However, she never arrived at the place she was supposed to meet him. Karen's car was found on its side by the bridge. It was crashed into the bridge wall. She was found dead in it. Pete looked for the brown envelop that contains the negatives but it wasn't there. They never found it.

I thought this story was a little scary because it is based on a true story in Oklahoma. I wonder if she was killed by somebody. If so, it is very bad. I also wonder if the factory still exists. The story is made into a movie so I'd like to watch it. [311 words]


Book reviews 1-3

One day, Steve heard from his friend that there was a new girl in town and he was excited. His father is an editor and always looking for interesting news. He tells his son to find something interesting to write on the newspaper about.
Steve went out. He saw a girl at a supermarket. He wondered who she was. After that, wherever he went, he saw that girl. She has a camera on her all the time and seems to be trying to take some interesting pictures.
Later that day, he heard from his neighbor that Bud Ritchie was back in town. Bud is a writer and used to live in this town. Steve thought about visiting and intervewing him for his father’s newspaper. He went to Bud’s house and asked him questions. When Bud was talking about his experiences, he found a cat on the tree and she couldn’t get off. He climbed the tree and tried to help her but he fell off the tree into the water and got wet. Then, the girl was there taking Steve’s picture. The girl was Bud’s daughter Marietta. Steve and Marietta became friends and the picture of Steve was on the newspaper.

I thought Steve was a nice guy. He works hard for his father. He climbs a tree to help a cat and ends up fall. He doesn’t complain about his embarrassing picture was on the newspaper. [237 words]