Yesterday was my friend's birthday so we had a little party tonight. She became 23 and she's one year older than me. She lives on her own so we gathered at her place. We actually wanted to do yesterday but she was busy with work. It was such a small party with 3 people but we three get together on and off and are very good friends.
After class, I went to KFC and bought fried chickens took them to the party. The other one brought cakes. They were really good. We toasted with non-alcohol wine since we had to drive after the party. We also had presents for her. I gave her a harmonica. Once she said she wanted it and I remembered that. She looked happy to receive it. The other friend gave her something interesting. It goes into the bath tub when you take a bath and it melts in the water. The water will be colored and smell good. I don't know what it's called in English but she looked happy to recieve that too.
After we ate, we watched TV together for a while and relax. At 11 pm we left her home. It was a small party but it was very fun. I like hanging out with my friends.
[216 words]
Book reviews "BABE: Pig in the City"

Babe is a clever pig which works as a shepherd. He is very famous in the country. The farm in which Babe and Mr and Mrs Hoggett lives was in danger because they had to pay money for the men from a bank and if they couldn't, they would have to sell the farm. One day, Mr. Hoggett got an offer from someone to show Babe's work at the party. They will pay a lot of money for that. To save the farm, Babe went to the city with Mrs. Hoggett.
Mrs. Hoggett was misunderstood that she was carrying the drung at the airport so she had to stay in the little room with a detective and missed the next plane. She and Babe couldn't get to the city they wanted to go.
They looked for a hotel and found the Flealands Hotel. In that hotel, many animals lived. They were abondoned animals. There were chimpanzees, dogs, cats, and monkeys. Nobody knew that they were there.
I thought it was a funny story. So many different animals and happenings. Baby is very cute. [145 words]
One of my past time

When I have nothing to do and am bored, I have a thing I always do. It is called othello. I can play othello with my mobile phone. I just bought it 2 weeks ago. It's a great resource. I play it when I wait for my friend, or when I just don't have anything to do at home, or when I get bored in a class, or sometimes when I'm eating. Maybe I'm addicted to it. I at least play it 3 times a day.
My former mobile had tetris in it. I used to play it a lot when I'm free. I could keep playing it for like an hour. I was totally addicted to tetris. I was shocked when I had my former mobile broken because I couldnt play tetris anymore. But now I can play othello instead. It's fun to do so it's alright. [148 words]
Book reviews "Give us the money"

Adam Grey works in a bank. He doesn’t like his job and doesn’t like Mr. Smith, his boss. One morning, Mrs. B tells Adam his horoscope. She says “Do something different today”. So Adam turns right at the corner he usually turns left. Suddenly, he sees something. A girl is being rubbed. He tackles the robber and runs with the girl. But it is actually a movie shooting.
At the same time, at the bank Adam works, real robbery is happening. They take bank’s money and run away. At a corner, they bump into Adam wand the girl. They mistake each other’s bags as theirs and don’t notice it. In Adam’s bag there is a lot of money, and the robber’s bag, there are pieces of news papers for movie shooting.
The robbers get angry and go to chase Adam. Adam and the girl run. The girl is an actress and she calls the movie director for help. The director goes rescue her and Adam with a camera. He shot the car chase of Adam and the robbers.
In the end, Adam and the girl are safe and police get the robbers. One of the robbers is surprisingly Adam’s boss, Mr. Smith. He goes to the bank but gets fired because he is late for work. But he is fine because the director asks him to star in his next movie. He will be a movie star.
[237 words]
My favorite store
I haven’t shopped lately but there is a favorite store I used to go often. Its name is Satisfaction and it’s located in Kengun. It’s a clothes store and has many good products. The most of the products there are imported especially from Europe. I really like their taste. It fits my style. Kengun is kind of far from my house which is about 30 minutes by car but I still used to go there to buy some clothes. However, I’ve been very poor these days so I haven’t only bought clothes but anything. [94 words]
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